Registration of first-year students is done via online application

(In case of missing A.M.K.A. (Matrix Number of Social Security) please contact the secretariat)


After the registration:

Application at for Academic ID

Daily monitoring of the Department's Announcements on the website

Careful reading of the Curriculum


Statement of Courses

The declaration is made from the platform

The course registration period is announced by the Secretariat

Caution! Failure to Report for 2 consecutive semesters will result in dismissal from the Department!

Caution! Mobile phone registration is not supported!


Declaration of Semester Transcripts on ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ

Registration through the E class  platform in the courses of the Course Declaration

for information and communication with the teachers 


Time planning based on the Annual Holiday Calendar

Attending the lectures based on the Timetable

Participation in the exams according to the Exam Schedule announced at the end of the semester


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